It’s the Perfect Time to Move

Written by Bob Hurdle | Oct 15, 2019 4:56:31 PM

Daily temperatures are starting to drop, which means that another infamous Mid-Missouri winter will eventually rear its head.

If the idea of being snowed in inside your cluttered house leaves you shivering with dread, seize a new opportunity instead! Despite how it might feel, there’s actually no better time of year for you to experience Linkside firsthand than as we head into winter.

We Have You Covered

Or, we should say, we keep you uncovered (from being snowed in). Our homes are designed for people just like you – empty nesters who are looking for smaller, energy-efficient homes. Linkside is low maintenance, hassle-free, and surrounded by a like-minded community. Doesn’t that sound like the absolute perfect gift to give yourself as we approach the holiday season?

Reasons to Move

What follows are the top three reasons why the end of this year is the PERFECT time for you to move.

Starting Fresh

The Marie Kondo cleaning and organizing craze is in full swing, and we couldn’t agree more with what she preaches. If your home has become a storage space for your children and grandchildren, perhaps it’s time to make some tough choices and trim the fat. The easiest way to accomplish this is to downsize your home. In a new space, you’ll be surrounded by only the objects that bring joy. Linkside Living will give you the opportunity to breathe.

Finding new friends

Just in time for the holidays. While everyone loves unwrapping gifts, the holiday season is about so much more than stuff. The community at Linkside is our biggest benefit. People who move here feel connected not only to the like-minded Linkside community but to the Columbia community at large. There’s always something going on at The Club at Old Hawthorne. The Linkside Clubhouse is open daily for coffee chats, club meetings, or just watching the game with your new friends. There’s no better time than now to foster your sense of fellowship.

Shedding Everyday Hassles 

No more worrying over winterizing your plumbing and no more landscape maintenance. The next time Missouri dumps two feet of snow, we’ll shovel your driveway and sidewalk for you. Linkside eliminates the seasonal busywork so you can focus on what makes you happiest.

For all you forward thinkers and planners out there, plan out your holiday gifts early this season and consider prioritizing yourself this year. Schedule a tour with Linkside today.