Building a Bucket List: How's Yours Looking?

Written by Linkside Living | Jun 27, 2021 1:58:00 AM

You’ve likely built your "Bucket List" (BL). If you started yours early, you may already be well on your way to accomplishing it. If you're reading this, odds are, you're much farther along on your list than today's younger "lettered" generations (X, Y, Z, anyone?) and probably have quite a bit less on your BL than you originally did. If you haven’t started yet...why wait?! They are both fun and inspiring. Here are our suggestions for getting started:

A good bucket list is balanced, with items that are easy to accomplish as you grow from a child to an adult, such as "getting a full-time job." Perhaps now you’d write “starting your own home-based business.” 

These simple BL ideas might be followed by more difficult versions of the same things, such as, “have a job that pays a minimum of 100K a year” and “own my own home.” 

There may be silly, or somewhat random ideas, too, such as, "Start a water balloon fight, write a book, or learn to play an instrument."  You do you!

Finally, there are the tougher ideas you hope to someday accomplish such as, “travel to a dream location overseas” or “own a beach house.” Traveling is usually the focal point of many BLs. In fact, it's commonly the top priority. Unfortunately, it's often delayed until we have “time” and “money” to enjoy it. But that’s the point of a Bucket start ticking things off the list now. It’s the prompting you need to stop waiting and start doing. 

Hopefully, you've had a chance to tick some items off your BL already, before that elusive “some day” rolls around. Being able to enjoy some of these items while you can is priceless. 

Below is a whole crop of ideas below solely meant for inspiration. Happy harvesting!

Travel Adventures

Ideally, you've already completed some of your BL travel to-do's. But were any of the ones below included?  

New Skills to Learn 

Who knows? One of these might sound appealing. take your could be a bull's eye!

  • Learn to pick a lock. 
  • Learn archery. 
  • Learn how to speak [name of language]. 

Outdoor Ideas

  • Bathe in waterfalls 
  • Go kite buggying
  • Learn to SCUBA dive. 

Charity Bucket List Ideas

Food and Drink

If you've already polished the 3 below off, give yourself a BL Bonus: They count in the TRAVEL category, too!

  • Eat a buried pig at a Hawaiian luau.
  • Try some roast goat with the Maasai in Kenya.
  • Have a fresh drink using half a coconut (or other fruit) as the glass.
  • Or for something more local, try foods you’ve never eaten before. Try sushi or Thai food or blood sausage. 

Entertainment and Sports Events  

  • See one game at every baseball stadium.
  • Watch a movie outdoors.
  • Sign up to be an extra in a movie and try to make it to the big screen.
  • Sign up to participate in local theatre! CoMo has many options for volunteers through the Columbia Entertainment Company or the Maplewood Barn Theatre. 

Personal Goals

Of course, a person could keep brainstorming BL categories ad infinitum. (For instance, sorting by summer ideas, or winter ideas, or couples ideas, or singles ideas …) But let's not! Let's spend our time crossing ideas off of our BLs instead! Carpe diem - Sieze the day!